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Torre Washington, IFBB Pro, and founder of Primer & Nourish, a guide to bodybuilding and vegan nutrition, stops by to share his journey with Nimai and listeners. Raised vegetarian, vegan since 1998, Torre provides simple, practical ways to transition to a vegan diet. Coming from a background where he did not always feel free enough to be authentic, he inspires others to show their true selves while helping others along the way. Listen in to move one step closer to being that healthy you, you have envisioned you will be.
“A lot of times we hide what we’ve been through…not knowing our journey can sometimes inspire someone else to continue on their path rather than to quit.”
-Torre Washington
4:31 - Being raised vegetarian turned vegan
10:00 - Torre’s overview of the Rastafarian lifestyle
15:34 - Challenges Torre faced with being different
30:46 - Torre’s bodybuilding journey
38:07 - HITT with Torre, increasing his size, and the different foods he ate while training
51:17 - Earning his pro card while vegan
1:14:27 - Effectively transitioning to veganism
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How do you get an NFL team to run on plants? Chef Charity Morgan holds a culinary degree from Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts and has over 15 years’ experience as a chef. What started as preparing homemade plant-based lunches for her husband, Tennessee Titans linebacker Derrick Morgan, turned into an in-demand service to provide delicious vegan meals for over a dozen of his teammates. She’s on a mission to show the world that you don’t have to sacrifice flavor or performance to eat plant-based. In this episode, you’ll hear how Chef Charity convinces naysayers to try her food by veganizing their favorite meals and what she cooks to satiate men who burn 5,000 calories a day. You’ll also get a peek into how their family made the switch, how it leveled up Derrick’s playing on the field, and how Chef Charity’s food helped the Titans have their best season in 15 years.
Intermittent fasting has been a miraculous health practice for centuries. But only recently are we rediscovering the cleansing power that fasting has for the body and mind. Today, Nimai is joined by Dr. Antonio Soler of TrueNorth Health Center, where he helps people manage illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic headaches, and more through diet and lifestyle changes that detoxify the body. Through his work and study, he has uncovered the massive benefits of fasting as a cleansing practice. In this episode, you’ll hear the science behind intermittent fasting, how to build muscle through fasting, and why fasting could solve issues like mental illness. As you dive in with Nimai and Dr. Antonio Soler, get ready to learn how to execute a fast to its full potential, helping the body go through its natural cleansing operations to get rid of useless fats, materials, and harmful products. You’ll even hear how to go to the next level and use water-fasting to generate healthy recovery. So listen now to get a full knowledge of fasting and how you can start using it today.
Only a few years after trying veganism on a whim, Ferdinand Beck had put on 20 kg (44 lbs) of solid muscle mass and ditched his acne for good. Today, he’s a social media star promoting vegan fitness to people around the globe. He’s educated and encouraged hundreds of thousands of fans with his contagious enthusiasm, beginner-friendly information, and transformative vegains. In this episode, you’ll hear how Ferdinand stumbled into his plant-based lifestyle and how it radically changed his body and performance. You’ll learn what a vegan athlete eats in a day, why your “why” doesn’t matter as much as you think, and why you need to stick to the nutritional basics. Turn up the volume and get ready to hear what it takes to make plant-powered gains.
Dr. Jonathan Kanevsky has discovered where true beauty lies and how you can find it in yourself! As a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Jon is redefining what it means to be beautiful. Jon uses his skills to improve people’s health, rebuild deformities, and boost confidence. Don’t assume that he only does plastic surgery. Today, you’ll hear how Jon leads his patients to a healthy mindset and body so they can live a healthy life. Jon also gives insight into how veganism saves lives. Learn why your nutrition determines the length of your life and how it affects the souls of animals.
Vegans are revolutionizing the way we do bodybuilding! Some living proof of that fact is Natalie Matthews. Natalie is an IFBB Bikini Pro, vegan bodybuilder, vegan chef and cookbook author, blogger. Listen if you’re looking for exclusive tips to successfully prepare for a competition as a vegan. And what if you run into people who don't believe you can be successful as a vegan bodybuilder? Use Natalie’s simple strategies to help you prove them wrong and have the perfect peak week. Natalie is impacting thousands of people every day through her lifestyle, and you can too. Jump right in to elevate your nutritional efficiency to get the best body on the platform.
We’ve all had experience with insecurities. Whether it’s about your body, your smile, or even something that isn’t physical, most of us have tried to hide parts of ourselves we don’t like. But what happens when your insecurities are tied to the most visible part of you? Brian Turner is a vegan bodybuilder with a reach of almost half a million followers on YouTube and Instagram, but he wasn’t always so comfortable putting himself out there. Brian started dealing with acne at 15 and was soon suffering from four or five cysts on his face at a time. His painful experience with cystic acne first led Brian into a severe depression and he was eventually prescribed the powerful acne treatment drug, Accutane. Brian used fitness as an outlet and addressed his acne head-on, documenting and sharing his experience online. When he was not seeing any substantial results from high doses of Accutane, Brian looked to his eating habits. He saw great improvements after removing meat and dairy from his diet; he started eating more whole foods, and ultimately made the switch to veganism. Today, his skin is clear and he is stronger than ever.
It’s no secret that raising a family can be challenging; however, raising a vegan family can be even more difficult due to the amount of outside opinions on how we should raise our children. But what about raising a vegan family in front of an audience of over 1.6 million subscribers on YouTube, and allowing complete strangers to get an intimate look at some of your most personal family experiences? This is exactly how Darren and Georgie from Family Fizz, an extremely popular YouTube channel, have been living their lives for the past three years. Their online journey began as a vegan fitness channel that provided evidence-based information on how to live a healthier life. It has since evolved into a family entertainment channel involving their three daughters: Mia, Sienna, and newborn Karma -- who, by the way, already has over 200,000 followers on Instagram and is only a few months old. However, their story hasn’t always been so light-hearted. So stay tuned to find out how this couple transformed their dak substance-abusing past to becoming thriving, plant-based parent role models.
Over 20 million Americans over the age of 12 have some sort of addiction. The sale of prescription drugs has increased by over 300 percent since 1999. Almost three out of four overdoses are caused by prescription drugs which are more than heroin and cocaine overdoses combined. What's worse is that these drugs can be easier to obtain than the aforementioned illegal drugs. 6.8 million people who struggle with addiction also struggle with some sort of mental illness.
Adam Sud, our guest today, had weighed over 320 pounds and was severely addicted to drugs and fast food. He was also afflicted with Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, anxiety disorder, sleep disorder, and suicidal depression. His downward spiral culminated with an overdose as a result of a suicide attempt while he was alone in his filthy hoarder-like apartment. He checked into rehab and with the help of his parents and a plant-based diet, he began the journey that led to a remarkable recovery not only in reversing his chronic diseases and losing nearly 200 pounds but living a happy and healthy life of purpose.
Now he is helping others discover how to find joy in owning their health and their well-being, and in developing self-love. Adam is now a diabetes and food addiction coach for Just a warning. In this episode, we discuss topics such as addiction and suicide which can be triggering to some. If you or someone you know struggle with these conditions. There are many organizations online that provide assistance and can help
We live in a very toxic world. From polluted water to BPAs, to PCBs, to heavy metals, to artificial preservatives, plastics, and pesticides. These toxins around us negatively affects every part of the body. Luckily, we're born with several detoxification systems like the liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin. However, whenever these systems are compromised, impurities aren't properly filtered and the body is adversely affected and can even lead to allergies, diseases, and death.
On today's episode Dr. Vivian Chen joins us to let us know what measures we can take to thrive in such a toxic environment. She is certified as an integrative health practitioner and used nutrition and other lifestyle factors to reverse her husband's hypertension, her kid’s allergies, her own heavy metal toxicity, and now helps clients heal using integrative modalities through her company plateful health. Before you implement any changes that you learn here on this podcast please always check with your doctor first.
We developed in a natural and wild environment, so why are we not living a natural lifestyle? Today’s guest has discovered exactly how to properly use our natural bodies. Tony Riddle is a Natural Lifestyle Coach, helping people heal and improve just by embracing a simple natural philosophy. Learn how you can adjust to your surroundings rather than creating your own toxic one. Hear how a few mechanical adjustments and some blue sky can make your health 10x more fulfilling.
Ever wonder how you can be a healthy vegan AND have a healthy relationship? This episode is packed with tips for you and your significant other. Bianca Taylor joins Nimai as a vegan personal trainer who promotes women’s empowerment and self-love. She is the host of the podcast Badassbabe Radio and is also… Nimai’s girlfriend! Hear from Bianca and Nimai as they break down what it looks like to have trust in a public relationship. Get advice on how to best start, maintain, and promote good relationships. And if you’re looking for tips on how to raise your child while promoting vegan values, then you’ll want to hear this one.
Is it safe to raise a child as a vegan? In an effort to provide knowledge and debunk misconceptions, Nimai sat down with Dr. Gemma Newman, Plant-Based Nutrition Specialist from the UK. Dr. Newman bust the myths about being vegan while pregnant and raising a baby. Not only that, she will tell you how to get enough Omega 3, calcium, and iron in a plant-based diet. If you are still in the fence whether this way of eating is for you, give it a listen This is an episode you do not want to miss.
Do you want to understand how your mind, your diet, and your muscles all work together? You’ll discover that and more in this episode of Generation V. Nimai has the privilege of speaking with Dorian Yates. Being Mr. Olympia 6 years in a row, Dorian is a legend in the bodybuilding world. He has recently started to take up meditation, a plant-based diet, and more. Listen to this episode to hear how Dorian maintains his health and fitness in a holistic way.
Your hormones matter. Don’t ignore them. Mike Mahler joins Nimai to talk about how hormones affect your entire life. From testosterone to cortisol, Mike shares why you need to be aware of how these hormones affect your body. Mike Mahler is a strength coach, supplement provider, author, and kettlebell expert. With his training in hormone optimization, Mike can help you release stress, get sleep, and exercise better. He also shares nutrition secrets that will help you boost your energy throughout the day.
What has the greatest impact on your health? It may be your gut. And it controls more than you would think. Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, better known as Dr. B, joins Nimai to tell you exactly how your gut affects the rest of your health. Dr. B is a microbiome specialist, speaker, and gut health educator. Microorganisms fill your abdomen and have a huge influence on your mood, mental health, and ability to grow muscle. So how do you apply this to improve your health? Listen to this episode to find out! Hear how you can use your diet to make you healthy this year!
If you want to win, you need to lose first. Today, Olympic silver medalist Dotsie Bausch joins Nimai to tell her story and talk about her vegan diet. Hear how she went from struggling with anorexia to being a vegan cyclist at peak Olympic performance. Dotsie’s testimony will inspire you to see suffering from a different perspective. Start seeing how your struggle can push you towards success and how vegan diets help you achieve that success.
What you eat changes everything, even your diabetes! Robby Barbaro and Cyrus Khambatta join Nimai to talk all things diabetes and nutrition. As the creators of the Mastering Diabetes Program, they want to help everyone to take control of their type 1, type 1.5, type 2, or pre-diabetes. Robby and Cyrus can point you to the diet that will help you win against diabetes. Listen to today's episode to dig into the science of diabetes and how it applies to your life now.
The world wants to make you eat meat. You don’t have to listen! Dr. Bassem Youssef is here to tell you why! Bassem is a former surgeon and political satire comedian who turned vegan, and he wants you to know how to challenge the status quo. Listen to find out how Bassem spreads the vegan message despite criticism and how you can do the same.
Another benefit of going vegan: You don’t support animal suffering. In today’s episode, Damien Mander joins Nimai as an activist against poaching and animal suffering. Inspired by his tragic experiences, Damien founded the International Anti-Poaching Foundation. Hear how he fights against animal suffering and provides alternatives for African communities. Take some notes on why plant-based diets support his mission and how you can get involved today!
Let’s change what “manliness” means. Previous generations have made being a man all about strength and aggression. Well, today Nimai invites Jon Venus and Derek Simnett on to talk about what manliness is. As vegan fitness YouTube stars, these men want to tell you how to take masculinity in a different direction. Listen now to hear how you can mix strength and compassion as central parts of your manhood.
Today’s episode covers everything from art to fitness. Listen in as Rob Bailey joins Nimai to talk about FLAG NOR FAIL his journey with wife Dana, and his journey as a vegan. Hear how the creative side of Rob influenced his decisions and even his training. Listen in to find out the benefits of veganism and the power of being your own person.
Today on Generation V, Nimai interviews Kendrick Farris. Kendrick started lifting at 12 years old and in less than 10 years, he won back-to-back national titles and qualified for his first Olympic team. He broke the US record in 2016 for lifting a combined weight of 831 lbs while on a plant-based diet. Listen as Kendrick shares how his second child affected his view on nutrition and deciding to go vegan.
From orphanages to Rastafarians, and kidnapping to Hare Krishna this podcast episode talks about it all. Today on Generation V Nimai is joined by John Joseph. John is a musician, author, and triathlete from New York City, most famous for his work as the lead singer of the Cro-Mags in the 1980s. Tune in as he shares his story and his unique approach to spreading the vegan message.
On today’s podcast episode Nimai interviews Fiona Oakes, a British marathon runner, who holds four world records for marathon running. She has been a vegan since the age of 6 and an animal lover all her life. She has used marathon running as a means to spread the vegan message across the world. Tune in to hear her fascinating story.
The legendary Robert Cheeke joins Nimai on the podcast today. Robert dives deep into his past and shares the triumphant story of a farm boy gone vegan. Together Robert and Nimai detail the struggles of being a vegan athlete and how to spread the message of veganism. Plus they address the “unspoken rules” of veganism. You don’t want to miss this episode.
As veganism is on the rise we see more stars and aspiring athletes arriving on the scene. On this episode of Generation V Nimai sits down with the CrossFit 2018 Fittest Man in the Netherlands, Jeremy Reijnders. Jeremy shares how and why he decided to go vegan, plus he gives tips on how to start the vegan lifestyle. Tune in to this episode to find out how this elite athlete uses the vegan diet to give him that competitive edge.
In this episode Nimai Delgado interviews vegan strongman Patrik Baboumian; Germany’s strongest man. Hear the inspirations behind his journey to becoming a vegan and all of the stereotypes he helped change. From dealing with your social circle when going vegan to the addictive nature of dairy products; it’s all in this episode of Generation V.
Simon Hill, author, and physiotherapist set out to share with everyone, no matter the gender, size, or purpose, the beauty in healthy food to gain optimum health and improve quality of life. On today’s episode, Simon and Nimai discuss the value of choosing foods that are truly healthy. Although, changing your diet requires a little learning, don’t worry—Simon also explains how to select sources that you can truly trust.
Dr. Mauricio Gonzalez saw a need in the medical community and filled it with knowledge and clear, concise direction. As the founder of Latin America’s first plant-based medical immersion program, Dr. Gonzalez breaks down complex medical research into small, manageable pieces. Topics include calorie intake, metabolic diseases, vaccines, building muscle, supplements and more. This episode will give you the power to change your life, by changing your diet and therefore impacting your health.
Depressed, stressed and suicidal Dr. Angie Sadeghi made the one decision that healed her from the inside out. This pivotal transformation was a springboard for her quick transition to becoming vegan. Now a gastroenterologist, her passion for non-chemical, quality care is interwoven in the care she provides to her patients. Join this episode, for a look into the food you eat, how it affects your body, diet fads and more with a gastrointestinal lens.
Torre Washington, IFBB Pro, and founder of Primer & Nourish, a guide to bodybuilding and vegan nutrition, stops by to share his journey with Nimai and listeners. Raised vegetarian, vegan since 1998, Torre provides simple, practical ways to transition to a vegan diet. Coming from a background where he did not always feel free enough to be authentic, he inspires others to show their true selves while helping others along the way. Listen in to move one step closer to being that healthy you, you have envisioned you will be.
Dr. Joel Kahn, one of the world’s top cardiologist, best-selling author, and restaurateur shed light on the preventative and anti-aging health benefits of a plant-based diet. Dr. Kahn and Nimai discuss fact-based studies, truths about diet fads, supplements and various foods that bring it all back to the need for plant-based nutrition. Today’s episode provides clarity and will help resolve some unanswered questions that cause many to hold off on committing to a plant-based vegan diet.
Today’s episode with Nimai features Mischa Janiec, professional bodybuilder, and co-founder of ProFuel. Mischa provides practical tips to transition to a vegan diet fueled by his personal experience. Tune in because, even if you think you have failed countless times before, Mischa provides helpful tips to try again.
Clean eating does not mean expensive eating, it’s more like attainable eating because you can tailor it specifically to you, says Derek Simnett, CNP, nutritionist, and CEO. Today Derek provides a holistic nutritionist’s point of view on veganism. Tune in to learn the reasons behind food choices, supplementing your diet and even calisthenic workouts. Kickstart your healthy journey with food today.
If you’re stuck, feeling like you can’t get out. Paul De Gelder’s story is sure to pull you out. From facing many struggles while growing up to surviving a near-death shark attack, there’s no question why Improvise—Adapt—Overcome, are three drivers that have stuck with Paul. Tune in to this transparent interview where Paul candidly shares how life’s experiences turned him upside down and brought him to living and eating clean.
Ever heard the phrase you are what you eat? Listen to Nimai Delgado as he sits down with Dr. Hamed Kamali, for a discussion of the benefits of a vegan diet, the science behind the impact food has on long-term health, and what has driven him to make the conscious choice to share with others how vegan eating impacts their health and could lead to a longer, healthier life.
This is the podcast episode you have been waiting for. Nimai sits down with a vegan bodybuilder, Jon Venus. Discover the story behind Jon’s journey to veganism. Listen in as Nimai and Jon share their passion for animals. Plus, get great tips on protein intake, staple foods, supplements and of course how to maximize your gains.
This week on the Generation V Podcast, Nimai sits down with actress, vegan activist and cat lover, Evanna Lynch. They dive deep into Evanna’s childhood eating disorders and also discuss how to tap into your inner self-confidence. Plus, find out how Evanna got her role on Harry Potter.
On this episode of Generation V, Nimai sits down with Chef Derek Sarno, co-author of the Wicked Healthy Cookbook and plant-based director at Tesco. Chef Derek shares some of the darkest moments of his life and how he learned compassion from all of his pain. He also discusses his role (and personal mission) as the plant-based director for the 3rd largest retailer in the world, Tesco. Make sure to tune in, you don't want to miss this episode.
On this episode of Generation V, Nimai sits down with Fraser Bayley from Evolving Alpha. Fraser shares his amazing transformation from butcher to vegan. He also discusses his struggles with mental illnesses, drug and alcohol addictions, depression and an attempt at suicide. Make sure to tune in, you don't want to miss this episode.
On this episode of Generation V, Nimai interviews vegan booty builder and trainer, Bianca Taylor (Nimai’s girlfriend). They go into depth on Bianca’s battles with body image issues and eating disorders. Plus, tune in to hear all about the one experience that made Bianca turn vegan.
On this episode of Generation V, Nimai sits down with the CEO of Bad Ass Vegan and Live Vegan Smart, John Lewis AKA “The Bad Ass Vegan”. They go into depth on John’s childhood and his advocacy for better foods for low-income communities. Also, tune in to hear all about the current documentary John is creating.
On this episode of Generation V, Nimai sits down with Yovana Mendoza aka Rawvana. They go into depth about how going vegan has transformed their lives, not just their diet. Listen in to hear how Yovana became vegan and started her business.
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